Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018

Should you give up?

There are people who have read far more books than you have, and you will certainly never catch up. Your website began with lousy traffic statistics, in fact, they all do. Should you even bother?

The course you’re doing –you’re a few lessons behind the leaders. Time to call it quits?

Quitting merely because you’re behind is a trap, a form of hiding that feels safe, but isn’t. The math is simple: whatever you switch to because you quit is another place you’re going to be behind as well.

It’s not a race, it’s a journey. And the team that scores first doesn’t always win.

Toü 10 AWS-EC2 Customers 2018

Based on EC2 monthly spend, here are the top 10 Amazon AWS customers:

  1. Netflix - $19 million
  2. Twitch - $15 million
  3. LinkedIn - $13 million
  4. Facebook - $11 million
  5. Turner Broadcasting - $10 million
  6. BBC - $9 million
  7. Baidu - $9 million
  8. ESPN - $8 million
  9. Adobe - $8 million
  10. Twitter - $7 million
Jeff Bezos is very excited about the AWS business and he believes – like the rest of the leadership team does – that in the fullness of time - it is very possible that AWS could be the biggest business at Amazon.