Montag, 2. Februar 2015

Fotodesignarri 2015

Wer wird meine Fotos kaufen? Who will buy my Photos this year?

Strange Noise Festival 1996
"Almost no one" is going to buy your photos. Almost no one is going to become a true fan. Almost no one is going to tell someone else about your work.

Almost no one is going to push you to make your work ever better.

But if 1% of the people in Trossingen (15177) does decide to buy, that's 151 people in the category of "almost no one."

If only 1 out of 10,000 internet users finds your photos, that's still hundreds of thousands of people.

The chances that everyone is going to applaud you, never mind even become aware you exist, are virtually zero. Most products and individuals that fail make the mistake trying to please everyone, and end up reaching no one.

So that's the wrong thing to focus on. Better to focus on making almost no one happy and proud.

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