Freitag, 27. März 2015

AWS Enterprise Summit, Frankfurt

Amazon, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Apple ...

How would you define the amazing companies that are so often quoted in presentations? Those companies that innovate and create and make great products… What do they have in common?

They all share a lot of small things done right. Everything matters, and everything adds up. That’s the message of this paragraph: there are no shortcuts.

What' s different about the above companies is that they are learning machines. They have an intense bias to action and a high tolerance for risk, expressed through frequent experimentation and product iteration. They hack together products and services, test them and improve them, while their legacy competetion edits project plans in Powerpoint.

Now that we know, we just need to leave our own mark in the world. In the Cloud.

Zum Beispiel hier in Deutschland: Cliqz in Offenburg.

(Die Cliqz GmbH ist ein Münchner Startup mit 62 kreativen Köpfen aus 26 Ländern. Unsere Motivation ist es, dich schneller und sicherer durch das Internet zu navigieren. Die Cliqz GmbH ist eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung der Burda GmbH.)

Und hier die Presentationen der AWS Summit.
Siehe insbesondere die von Marc Al-Hames, Co-CEO, (Burda) und Timo-Klaus Barthelmes, Head of Digital Innovation, Aesculap AG.

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