Mittwoch, 23. August 2017

On Microsoft missing the boat

Despite Microsoft’s remarkable financial performance, CEO Steve Ballmer failed to understand and execute on the five most important technology trends of the 21st century: in search – losing to Google; in smartphones – losing to Apple; in mobile operating systems – losing to Google/Apple; in media – losing to Apple/Netflix; and in the cloud – losing to Amazon.

Microsoft left the 20th century owning over 95% of the operating systems that ran on computers (almost all on desktops). Fifteen years and 2 billion smartphones shipped in the 21st century and Microsoft’s mobile OS share is 1%. These misses weren’t in minor market areas – missing search, mobile and the cloud were directly where Microsoft users were heading.  Yet a very smart CEO missed all of these.

It wasn’t that Microsoft didn’t have smart engineers working on search, media, mobile and cloud. They had lots of these projects. The problem was that Ballmer organized the company around execution of its current strengths – Windows and Office businesses. Projects not directly related to those activities never got serious management attention and/or resources.

For Microsoft to have tackled the areas they missed – cloud, music, mobile, apps – would have required an organizational transformation to a services company. Services (Cloud, ads, music) have a very different business model. 

They are hard to do in a company that excels at products.

Freitag, 18. August 2017

Donnerstag, 10. August 2017

Still programming!

Programming still gets me excited even after doing it for over 40 years. I still learn new stuff, reach new heights, and know much less than I thought I did, all the time. It requires incredible concentration and memory and creativity to think of ways to do things that you can kind of describe in words but have no experience making work with ones and zeros.

People who haven't programmed think it's just coding. You just code it up like a Morse Code message. Other people think up the ideas, coders do the coding. Well it doesn't work that way. Not even slightly.