Dienstag, 31. Dezember 2013

Freitag, 20. Dezember 2013

Frohe Weihnachten an alle perbit'ler!

Es ist wichtig Anerkennung zu zeigen für alle die dazu beitragen, dass wir erfolgreich im Geschäft bleiben und für die tägliche Anstrengungen unsere Kollegen/-innen die es jeder Einzelne von uns ermöglicht selber gute Arbeit zu leisten. In der tat, wenn Mitarbeiter glücklich sind dann sind die Kunden meistens auch!

It’s important to show appreciation for those who are keeping you in business, and for all the little things that your co-workers do around you that help you do fulfilling work. Remember, if the people inside your company are happy, your customers will be too!

Und einer meiner Leitfäden für 2014, von kein Geringer als Albert Einstein:

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2013

Englisch für Anfänger, zum mitlesen

Zeitlos! -and for my english readers, his name is Loriot!

A question maybe nobody ever asked you ?

Here's a question: At what point in your life did what you think become important?

Why I ask: Many people seem to think that what a kid thinks isn't important. After all, you're just a kid. Do what you're told. Be seen and not heard. It's totally understandable that adults react this way to kids, because they can be irritating with all their questions, ideas, enthusiasm, energy and emotions. Kids are a handful. Adults like a little peace and quiet. Stay quiet, I'm busy! 
We have to give the adults some understanding.

Soren Kierkegaard
But eventually the kids grow up, and did we ever stop and say, okay now that you're not a kid anymore, what you think is important?

No one ever said that to me. And I think that's a pity, because the truth is this -- what you think matters as much as what anyone else thinks. If they matter, then so do you. If you don't matter, neither do they.

Once you get this, really feel it -- the reason to argue melts away. I don't need to convince you of anything, I just need to believe it myself. Or not. Either/Or (Auf deutsch: Entweder/Oder

In other words, I'll make up my own mind, thank you very much.

Happy Christmas!

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

Träume verwirklichen (1) ...

Der Weg war länger als gedacht aber meine erste selbstgemachte "moderne" Website ist ab heute offiziell Online.

Mit Hilfe von der Firma Matoma Internet Consulting und Tobias nebenan.

"Vision, Prototyp, Rückschläge, Anpassungen, Ausdauer und Energie." Wie immer werden sie alle gebraucht.