Donnerstag, 1. September 2016

What Programmers really mean...

“It’s a non-trivial amount of work” = I won’t be able to copy and paste
“This is a temporary solution” = This is a permanent solution
“I’ll be finished by Monday” = I won’t tell you which Monday
“Do you want it done fast or do you want it done right?” = It will be neither
“Just report a bug” = I have no idea what you’re saying right now
“We can’t test that” = We can but we won’t
“I fixed the bug” = It started working again and I have no idea why
“I can’t realistically estimate that” = I don’t know how estimates work
“I don’t think users will care about that” = I have dinner reservations at 8
“This is an Alpha release” = It doesn’t work
-Thanks to Murphy.

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