But perhaps it’s none of my business. I'm Irish but live in Germany. As a member of the EU I think free movement of people and goods are both good and beneficial things, I want to work and play across the continent without encountering unnecessary bureaucratic barriers, I like my DAK European Health Insurance because I think the idea is very civilised, I like the protections granted to the people by an international regulatory body that reigns in the worst ideas of each new government, and provides welcome oversight of our leaders because I don’t trust any of them and prefer that they exist as small fish in a big pond, not big dictatorial fish in a small pond. And, finally, as a student of history I appreciate the fact that Europe has been quite peaceful all these years and that closer union between the member states helped that peace prevail.
Hillary is a text-book politician of the kind we’ve had in Ireland and Europe for some time now. She lies, she manoeuvres, she cheats but so what? It’s modern politics. We in Old Europe don’t have the luxury of voting for people who are pure in word and deed. We don’t even subscribe to such fallacies any more. We deal with the situation as it is and make the best choice we can, with our eyes open and few illusions about the messy business called governance. We do not demand that our politicians be pure, we just hope that they are competent.
I mean no disrespect to the USA. Many of Mr. Trump’s “mistakes” have turned out to serve him well. Hillary’s interests appear to be mainly concentrated on personal gain. We’ll just have to see.
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