Montag, 25. September 2017

I like Programming

It’s one of the most satisfying occupations man has discovered yet, because you never can quite do it as well as you want to, so there’s always something to wake up tomorrow morning to do.

Talent is an advantage but I know a lot of talented failures. Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck, but most of all, endurance.

Mittwoch, 20. September 2017

No commitment

I just happened to read a very good sermon today on the subject of cohabitation (living together, with sexual intimacy, without marriage).

The key points were:

(1) Christian morality on this point hasn't changed.

(2) Sociological and economic data show that cohabitation is a bad deal.

"Trial marriages" don't prevent divorce; they increase it. And couples who won't make a commitment together can't in honesty plan their future together.

So what would I ask a couple who decide to live together and perhaps have children without getting married? My question for any cohabiting couple would be, "Where do you expect to be in ten years?"

Almost invariably, one of the two does expect to be married, and the other expects not to be married — in effect, expects to break up.

And when you break up, you will be turning someone loose on the world after having used up a good bit of her or his life. Will that give your ex-partner a good life in the future?

But maybe, when you break up, you expect to be tired of your partner, and angry, and not to care about the other person's future.

You see the underlying theme of exploitation rather than love.

Cohabitation = lack of agreement = taking advantage of someone, getting them to give what you won't give.

Married in 1971, still together and still smiling!


Montag, 18. September 2017

Neil Diamond, 50 Year Anniversary

SAP Arena, Samstag 16.09. Neil Diamond nahm die 7000 Zuschauer mit auf eine Reise in die Vergangenheit, dorthin, wo die Erinnerung an die eigene Jugend wohnt, fest eingebettet in nostalgische Videoaufnahmen. 26 Stücke inklusive Zugaben präsentierte er mit seiner virtuosen elfköpfigen Band.

Angefangen hat er 1966 in New York mit seiner ersten Komposition "Solitary Man". Er hat so viele Welthits geschrieben, dass die Qualität von "Solitary Man" in den Hintergrund trat. Es ist nichts weniger als ein amerikanisches Liederbuch: "Cherry, Cherry", "I'm A Believer", "Cracklin' Rosie", "Sweet Caroline", "Beautiful Noise", "Holly Holy", "Red Red Wine" "Song Sung Blue" und natürlich das grandiose "I Am ... I Said". Alle Stücke sind auf "Hot August Night" verewigt, und er hat sie auch in dieser Mannheimer Samstagnacht gespielt.

Rund 130 Millionen Platten hat er verkauft, damit zählt er zu den erfolgreichsten Musikern des Planeten. 37 Top-10-Singles, 16 Top-10-Alben, Grammys, Golden Globes und andere Ehrungen.

Wie hier so auch in Mannheim die Höhepunkt (So good, So good.....):